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F.I.C.M. aisbl - IFMC npmio
Présidente: Rose Marie DELANNOY

Reino de León

Newsletter may 2017


Dear motorhome friends,

The appointment of the 40 EUROCC 2017 LEÓN and the extension is now part of our most beautiful travel souvenirs.

In León, the processions of the Holy Week and the discovery of a city rich in history, its Roman heritage, its past as a thriving medieval Kingdom, a city that is also the craddle of European Parlamentarism. For us, pilgrims by motorhome, a starting point of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela , the city of León that has welcome us during a whole week.

Some good news from the Lord Major at the Opening Ceremony of this 40 EUROCC in León: the enlargement of the already existing motorhome area and the installation of a second one with services, also in the center of the town, on a park place near the cathedral.

To be noted on our way to Santiago of Compostela, two municipalities have in mind to prepare a space to welcome motorhomes: Samos and Melide. On the other hand, we have been warmly welcome by the Lord Major or/and the respoonsible of Tourism everywhere, and we cannot forget to mention the continous attentions of the police.

Either in León, with about 400 motorhomes or the extension on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, our rally with 200 motorhomes has not been unremarked by the different authorities, nor by the press ... Look at the many articles and video interviews on

Francisco Prieto Ramos, President of our affiliated member Lleure Camper Club Catalunya promised an exceptional rally for this 40 EUROCC and extension. He has nicely surprised us. Furthermore, his great contribution to reinforce the image of the motorhome; where he stressed and provoked the need to prepare motorhome areas to welcome our vehicles.

A particularity of this 40 Eurocc2017 LEON on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela: the great amount of people at mass in the village of San Adrián del Valle, at the song mass in the benedictine monastery of Samos, and the pilgrim’s mass at the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. A pilgrim’s symbol, the St James shell was given to the participants of the extension as a souvenir.

Au plaisir de vous revoir bientôt,
Rose-Marie Delannoy
President F.I.C.M. F.I.C.M.aisbl - IFMC npmio

Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif
Immatriculée sous le n° W354002273 à la sous-préfecture de ST-MALO (F)
Siège social: 36, rue du Stade-35260 CANCALE - FRANCE
Secrétariat Général: 24, avenue du Clairpré-1410 WATERLOO - BELGIQUE